Make a Donation
"Giving is not just about making a donation. It's about making a difference."
~Kathy Calvin
There are 3 main Donation types that Waiheke Toy Library accepts.
See below for more information.
Used Toys
New Toys

Feeling generous?
As a completely volunteer-run organisation, Waiheke Toy Library depends on the generosity of others to keep this service alive for families on Waiheke Island.
Donating money to Waiheke Toy Library is easy. You can contact us if you wish to donate directly using cash or online banking.
For more donation methods just click 'Donate' below to access our 'Givealittle' page.
Thank you for your support!
You can now Donate using Givealittle!
Team work to make our dreams work! Help a volunteer run, not-for-profit eco-friendly children charity today!
Used Toys
Want to see your Toys getting more use?
Please email us with photos if you have toys you would like to donate.
Much aroha (love) to those who consider us for toy donation. Please bear in mind that while we are a Toy Library and accept used toy donations, we are not an op shop.
This means you cannot leave your unused/unwanted toys by our storage container as our core operation is not about sorting through second hand goods.
Generally speaking, the toys/items we accept are:
In good condition with plenty of life left
Not soft toys or toys with lots of non-removable fabric on them
Fully functional with no major broken bits (missing pieces are okay, so long as the functionality is unaffected)
New Toys
Want to gift us new toys?
Please share your ideas with us! Our toy librarians will be happy to consider any toys you think we should have on our catalogue!
Just keep in mind that our storage space is very limited...
Generally speaking, the toys/items we are interested in are:
Fun but Safe
Easy to use without too many small parts to lose
Eco-Friendly (wooden instead of plastic, power charging instead of battery operated, etc)
If you are looking for ideas to gift us new toys, we would be happy to share with you our current wish list!